Born in Shanghai, China, Lishan Xue lives a multi-faceted musical life as a pianist, teacher, writer, director, and project producer.
Following her solo debut at the age of 6 at the Shanghai Concert Hall, she recorded Carl Czerny’s Left Hand Study, Op. 718 when she was thirteen, which was released by Nanjing Audio & Video Music Publishing House. Since then, Xue has performed in prestigious venues including the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York City; Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC; Benaroya Hall in Seattle; Foellinger Great Hall at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts in Urbana, Illinois; Simon Bolivar Hall in Venezuela; the Shanghai Concert Hall; Beijing Concert Hall; Gross Saal in Prayner Musik and Drama Konservatorium in Vienna; Konzert Saal in Brussels Music Conservatory in Belgium, and Cappella dei Mercanti in Turin.
Music journalist Philip Dewolf and Pascal Goffoux (RTBF, Culture/Music) wrote: “Excelled marvelously in the art of arranging the complexity of the sound . . . absorbing, captivating, and inventive.” José Antonio Abreu applauded her as “. . . a great pianist,” and Justin Kolb, “a pianist is born on the stage.” Xue was twice invited as the soloist performing Bartok’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with Sinfónica Juvenil, Teresa Carreño, in Venezuela in the 2012-13 season, for which she was interviewed by China Xinhua News Network Corporation. She has been invited to perform in various music festivals including the Gilmore Keyboard Festival and Masterclasses, Chautauqua International Music Festival, the China-Asien Music Festival, the Shanghai Spring Music Festival, the Xinjiang Piano Festival, the Kelamayi Piano Festival, the Beijing International Music Festival and Academy, and the Shanghai Conservatory Music Academy and Festival. Her recent recitals include the Thirsty Ear Music Festival in Chicago, the China-ASEAN Contemporary Music Festival in Nanning, China, the 2022 “Future Maestro” series at Shanghai Oriental Arts Center, and the “Rising stars concert in memorial of Piazzolla,” at the 2021-2022 Chamber Music Series of Shanghai Symphony Hall.
Xue has won numerous prizes in regional, national, and international competitions. Most recently are the “On Stage” International Classical Music Competition, Los Angeles International Liszt Piano Competition, New York Artists International Competition, The American Prize—Lorin Hollander Award in Piano, the 21st Piano-Composition Commission International Competition, and the Neal Kate Kinley Art Memorial Fellowship. The Chinese piano journal Little Pianist published a special interview about her when she was the first pianist studying in Mainland China, to be a prizewinner in the Senior Division at the 12th Missouri Southern International Piano Competition in 2008.
Xue has received invitations and scholarships to participate in music festivals and masterclasses held in China, Europe, and the United States where she studied under the instruction of Fou Ts’ong, Russell Sherman, Arie Vardi, Jerome Lowenthal, Nalita True, Solomon Mikowsky, HongKuan Chen, Robert McDonald, Jerome Rose, David Lively, Anton Kuerti, Tigran A. Alikjanov, and Guillermo Gonzales. As an active chamber and collaborative musician, Xue has worked with many internationally renowned artists, including Atar Arad, Dale Clevenger, Peter Stumpf, Mimi Zweig, Kevork Mardirossian, Daniel Perantoni, Thomas Robertello, Robert Walters, and has led groups of musicians as a collaborative pianist for the Indiana String Academy and the International Tuba and Euphonium Association.
A life-long music educator, Xue has been frequently invited to give lectures, masterclasses, and has been on the jury panel for festivals and competitions in China and the United States. Most recently are the National Federation Music Club Festival in Sioux City, the MTNA Piano Competition in Champaign-Urbana, the 4th Franz Liszt International Youth Piano Competition(China), the 1st Xinjiang International Piano Festival, the 1st Kelamayi Piano Festival, and the 4th Changning District International Music Festival. Her first book, Learn to improvise JAZZ, was published by the Shanghai Music Publishing House in 2019. She currently teaches at the New York University Shanghai since 2021.
Xue was awarded her Doctor of Musical Arts in Music from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2021. She holds Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Additionally, she has received Artist Diplomas from Oberlin Conservatory and Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. Her principal teachers include Monique Duphil, Arnaldo Cohen, Menahem Pressler, and William Heiles. In addition to piano, she is also skilled at the fortepiano, the clavichord, the harpsichord, and the organ, following the guidance of David Breitman, Charlotte Mattax, and Dana Robinson.
In her spare time, Xue enjoys hiking, yoga, other art forms such as painting and film, and cooking by mixing different cuisine styles.
薛莉山, 青年钢琴家、博士。双项“艺术家文凭”(国际最高演奏文凭)获得者。当今中国少有的能演奏18世纪古钢琴、击弦键琴、羽管键琴、管风琴的钢琴家。美国卡特·尼尔·金力国际艺术纪念基金大奖2018年唯一的一位音乐表演专业获奖者。
曾任美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校“钢琴实验室”钢琴教师、美国伊利诺伊州“夏季青年音乐节”钢琴家与艺术指导、美国国家音乐教师协会(Music National Teacher Association) 伊利诺伊大学分会副会长。美国克拉克·林德赛(Clark-Lindsey) 驻院艺术家。曾任“国际大号与上低音号联合会交流会议” (International Tuba and Euphonium Association Conferences)钢琴家与艺术指导、美国印第安纳州“弦乐研究院” 艺术指导、美国奥柏林大学非钢琴专业学生的钢琴指导教师以及奥伯林音乐学院器乐与声乐各专业的艺术指导。
薛莉山, 自幼在上海音乐学院附小、附中及大学学习, 2010年在奥地利维也纳留学。2011年上海音乐学院硕士毕业后,以全额奖学金在美留学。获得美国奥伯林音乐学院艺术家文凭(演奏博士)、美国印第安纳大学雅格布斯音乐学院艺术家文凭(钢琴演奏博士)、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校音乐艺术文学博士学位 (Doctor of Music Arts in Music with a concentration on Performance and Literature)。 其钢琴演奏指导教师包括著名音乐家泰斗曼纳海姆·普雷斯勒(Manehem Pressler) 教授。世界著名钢琴大师阿诺德·柯恩(Arnaldo Cohen)教授。著名钢琴大师玛格丽特·隆的传人, 著名法国钢琴家莫尼克·杜菲尔(Monqiue Duphil) 教授。音乐教育大师、巴赫专家威廉姆·海勒斯(William Heiles)教授。俄罗斯“涅高兹学派”传人,著名钢琴家、教育家李民铎教授、著名钢琴家、教育家毛翔宇教授。中国著名音乐教育家姚世真教授、吴子杰教授、方百里教授等。此外,她还跟随了美国古乐键盘大师大卫·布莱特曼(David Breitman)学习 18世纪古钢琴及击弦键琴,美国著名羽管键琴演奏家夏洛特·马泰斯(Charlotte Mattax)学习羽管键琴、美国著名管风琴演奏家多纳·罗宾森(Dana Robinson)学习管风琴。
自幼起, 薛莉山在国际国内钢琴比赛上获奖无数。比如, “OnStage”古典音乐国际大赛钢琴组冠军、第20届美国21世纪钢琴委约作品大赛冠军、2018美国克兰纳特艺术家比赛冠军、“美国大奖——罗琳荷兰钢琴奖”获得者、美国纽约国际艺术家比赛钢琴组第一名。2016美国洛杉矶李斯特国际钢琴比赛青年组第一名及“匈牙利狂想曲最佳演奏奖”、美国Matinee Musicale 钢琴大奖第一名。美国第40届青年艺术家大赛获奖者、美国伊利诺伊大学罗斯钢琴基金获得者、美国奥柏林音乐学院 院长卓越才能青年奖、美国印第安纳大学雅各布斯音乐学院卓越艺术奖、校长奖、功绩奖等等。中国鼓浪屿音乐节暨全国钢琴(专业)比赛青年组“委约作品最佳演奏奖”及铜奖获得者等等。
薛莉山6岁就在上海音乐厅登台表演, 至今她的个人及室内乐音乐会所在地遍布世界三大洲, 包括美国卡内基音乐厅、美国华盛顿肯尼迪艺术中心、美国克兰纳特表演艺术中心、美国韦伯斯特音乐厅、美国西雅图贝内诺亚音乐厅、美国泰勒大剧院、美国瓦尔纳音乐厅、美国肖陶扩福莱舍音乐厅、委内瑞拉西蒙·玻利瓦尔音乐厅、意大利Mercanti大教堂、维也纳Prayner音乐学院音乐厅、奥地利海顿音乐学院音乐厅、比利时布鲁塞尔音乐学院音乐厅、北京音乐厅等等。
她的演奏吸取了世界上多个钢琴演奏流派的精华。比利时音乐评论专栏作家飞利浦·迪沃夫、帕萨尔·谷福斯、美国钢琴家、教育家、音乐评论家、美国李斯特音乐家协会执行秘书贾斯汀·科布先生称赞她 “ 在舞台上出生的天生的钢琴家, 演奏夺人眼球, 对不同音色的控制力美仑美奂”。
由于她卓越的演奏才能与教学能力, 13岁作为示范演奏者录制了《车尔尼作品718左手练习曲教学示范 VCD》由南京音像音乐出版社发行。2008年, 作为第1位在第12届美国南密苏里国际钢琴大赛青年组获奖却在中国国内学习的中国钢琴家, 受到《琴童》杂志专访。2012年受邀与特蕾莎·卡尼尔青年管弦乐团合作, 演出了巴托克第 2号钢琴协奏曲。委内瑞拉音乐事业及音乐教育的奠基人, 前委内瑞拉文化部长、国会议员、经济学家阿布利奥先生特此亲临现场祝贺, 中国新华社驻委内瑞拉办事处特此专访。2015年12月至今, 多次在中国青岛举办了大师班及一系列音乐会并接受青岛晚报和青岛电视台专访。2018年3月, 授美国“国家音乐协会” (National Federation of Music Club)邀请,担任美国爱荷华州苏族市钢琴音乐节比赛评委, 在该市百里尔克里弗大学(Briar Cliff University) 举办大师班和音乐会, 当地电视台特此报导。2019年6月, 上海音乐出版社出版发行了由她策划、撰写和编译的《玩转爵士乐:即兴演奏自学宝典》, 现已再版。 近三年, 邀请薛莉山担任表演艺术家及评委的就包括2019芝加哥“饥渴的耳朵”夏季音乐节、2020第 9届“中国—东盟”—现代音乐周、2022上海东方艺术中心“未来大师”音乐会系列、2021上海交响乐团室内乐音乐会系列、第1届新疆钢琴艺术节、第1届新疆克拉玛依市钢琴节、2020年第3届上海市长宁区愚园路国际钢琴节、第4届李斯特国际钢琴大赛(中国华东区)、第4届SAE全国青少年钢琴大赛等。现任教于上海纽约大学。